In the initial phase of the Russian aggression in Donbas, InformNapalm spoke about the deployment of tactical task forces of the 61th Marine Brigade (MB) and 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade (MRB) of the ...
Passenger car imports grew by 3.2 times, to 341,286 units.
The investigation team @DFRLab probed into some of the claims made and the bots which amplified them. On the morning of September 22, an apparently left-wing Twitter user named @von_Sahringen claimed ...
Poland's Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior announced a US$1,000 reward for helping to capture the suspects. Authorities in the Polish town of Zory are searching for five male ...
"On September 21, a famous Austrian entrepreneur Hans Peter Haselsteiner in an interview with the Die Presse newspaper, in fact, supported Putin's aggression in Ukraine," Shcherba wrote on Facebook.
22:10 Ex-Putin's aide Surkov: "Ukraine may be regained only by force" 21:05 Israel lifts ban on travel to Ukraine 19:35 Resumption of water supplies to Crimea "theoretically possible," parliament ...
He studied at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University to be an editor. Oleg has been working for UNIAN since 2016. He specializes in coverage of events on social and political issues and news ...
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"I don’t know why, but the court chairman decided that he could come to my office and talk ‘like normal people’ as he put it and agree on having a criminal case [against the two judges] closed," said ...
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She has been working as a journalist for nine years. Previously she was an editor of the publishing house "Znanie". Since August 2011, she works for UNIAN.
This (hereinafter - the Website) is administered by "DIGITALS SOLUTIONS" LLC, EDRPOU code 45334297, a legal entity registered and operating in ...