The funeral of Kim Jong-il made for a big story internationally, but in true Autoblog fashion, we were just as interested in the classic cars that figured prominently in the procession.
Like his grandfather Kim Il Sung and father Kim Jong Il, Kim's favoured mode of transport is the train, which he uses to travel around his own country and abroad. For this task, he uses special ...
Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's older brother Kim Jong-nam was once considered the heir to his father Kim Jong-il. However, he was replaced after expressing belief in political and economic reform.
Kim Jong Chol is Kim Jong Un's older brother who was supposedly going to succeed Kim Jong Il until he was rejected in favor of Kim Jong Un. Kim Jong Il reportedly rejected Kim Jong Chol from ...
Lee Jae Myung’s remarks about Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Opinions criticizing and supporting his remarks have clashed head-on. According to a report by Yonhap News, Lee Jae-myung emphasized on ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has now visited China twice in 2010, an unusual move for this reclusive and paranoid leader and a potential hazard for a small, proud country that has always been ...
More Getty Images That's 134 more than the number of defectors living under exclusive protection in the South when Kim Jong Il died in December 2011, according to the outlet. These high-status ...
North Korea's highest-profile defector in years has criticized the ruling Kim dynasty for the country's diplomatic decline, claiming Kim Jong Un has only accelerated the downfall of the regime.
succeeding his father Kim Jong Il, and the leader of the Workers’ Party of Korea since 2012. He is the youngest of three sons of Kim Jong Il and Ko Young Hui. Kim Yo Jong is Kim Jong Un’s only ...
Why would Kim Jong-il - then only two years into his leadership of North Korea - have needed a fake passport? Fresh evidence emerged this week that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and his ...
As Kim Jong-un was being prepared for power, they even began using the term "Paektu Bloodline" to help legitimise his rule. Paektu is the sacred and mythologised mountain where Kim Il-sung is said ...
Divisions in South Korea and wariness among both its allies and adversaries don’t bode well for Yoon Suk-yeol’s vision for the peninsula.