Forecasting sea surface temperatures several months in advance is challenging. To give us insights into what might happen around Aotearoa New Zealand in the months to come, NIWA scientists have ...
A new NIWA-led study has found that climate change increased the amount of total rainfall during Cyclone Gabrielle by 10%. This additional rain fell during the most intense parts of the storm, ...
Anyone can use the tool and provide data by using the survey available in the NIWA Citizen Science app. The survey/app provides a standardized way to record data on the characteristics of instream ...
Subject to the User’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement, NIWA grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Data only for the Permitted Use during the Term as set out ...
Subject to the User’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement and in consideration of the Charges, NIWA grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Data only for the ...
Dr Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher is all concentration. She is standing in Rocket Lab’s Penrose mission control centre, watching the final countdown for the launch of a 70m-tall Falcon 9 rocket from ...
The Barrier Assessment and Reporting Tool (BART) has been created to help river managers and asset owners understand connectivity in different catchments, and prioritise barriers within catchments for ...
NIWA’s new research vessel, Kaharoa II, will be in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park/ Ko te Pataka kai o Tīkapa Moana Te Moananui-ā-Toi over the next three weeks, filming underwater habitats. Kaharoa II ...
Probabilities are assigned in three categories: above average, near average, and below average. Temperatures are about equally likely to be above average (50% chance) or near average (45% chance).
Temperature Temperatures were near average (±0.50°C of average) or above average (0.51-1.20°C above average) for most of the country, with isolated pockets of well above average (>1.20°C above average ...
There are just over 50 freshwater fish species native to New Zealand. Three-quarters of these are classified as at risk or threatened with extinction. Many of our iconic native fishes, such as eels ...
ENSO neutral conditions are expected to continue over the next several weeks, but La Niña is slightly favoured over ENSO neutral during September-November. From mid-August into early September, a ...