Their armor helps armadillos protect themselves from predation. The Cephalopoda class consists of octopus, squid, nautilus, or cuttlefish. Cephalopods are unique thanks to their bilateral body ...
Blue-ringed octopuses (Hapalochlaena spp. ) were long thought to be the only venomous cephalopods - not anymore. A paper by Bryan Fry, Kim Roelants and Janette Norman published in a recent issue of ...
Octopuses have evolved incredibly large and complex nervous systems that allow them to perform impressive behaviors, like plan ahead, navigate and solve puzzles. The nervous system of the common ...
Petrov, A.A. and Zaitseva, O.V. 2012. Muscle fibers in the central nervous system of nemerteans: Spatial organization and functional role. Journal of Morphology, Vol ...