Mercado cut his teeth studying much larger animals than mice: his background is in humpback ... made Mercado feel like he was "observing 'Jedi' rats." If further study proves the bioacoustics ...
Like us all, rodents such as rats and mice will long for the warmth, doing anything they can find cosy nooks and crannies to keep them safe as the cooler seasons pass -- and your home is the perfect ...
THIS is the eerie moment a mysterious creature strolls through a town park – leaving experts baffled as to what the ...
The animal lived about 70 million to 75 million years ago in a part of the state that would likely have been a swampy environment.
mammals tended to be small—most were about the size of today's mice or rats. She largely identifies them from the tiny teeth they left behind. H. piceanus, in comparison, was positively huge.
The University of Colorado team behind the discovery has been digging just outside of Rangely, Colorado for 15 years and ...
The researchers identified the creature as a mammal from a piece of jawbone and three molar teeth, the release said ... about the size of today’s mice or rats, researchers said.
Paleontologists have uncovered the remains of a new swamp-dwelling mammal species that lived approximately 70-75 million ...