Astronomers have discovered a hidden feature in exoplanet distribution that could explain the absence of so-called ...
The order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward is the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the possible ...
The asteroid was discovered in August and is set to become a mini-moon, spinning around Earth in a horseshoe shape for about ...
From Grace Earth may have had its own ring system that formed around 466 million years ago, lasting for tens of millions of ...
Rocky planets that are about earth-size, or maybe two to three times larger, will offer the best chances for simple microbial ...
We study the ~4.5 billion year history of the terrestrial planets of our solar system, from the stellar synthesis of the elements of which they comprise through their accretion and re-organisation ...
He secretly builds a craft using only organic resources found on the Green Planet and converts an oversize turnip into a spaceship that can carry him through space back to Earth. Along the way ...
To survive on other planets, water is, of course, critical. We need it to drink, sustain crops and even create rocket fuel.