Graduated from Poltava national pedagogical University. Works in UNIAN since 2020. She leads an active lifestyle, enjoys traveling and mountain tourism.
She is the news release editor at UNIAN since 2016. She graduated from the P. Tchaikovsky's National Music Academy of Ukraine as a pianist. Later she became so interested in journalism that she ...
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Эта Политика конфиденциальности (по тексту «Политика» или «Политика конфиденциальности ...
Эта оферта, адресованная неопределенному кругу лиц – физическим и юридическим лицам – посетителям сайта в сети Интернет: ...
Since its founding in 1992, UNIAN Information Agency has been committed to adhering to professional standards and principles of objective journalism. The agency's main goal is to promptly, ...
Journalist, editor, manager. Has been working in journalism since 2007. He began his career in the newspaper "Segodnya", where he received his first "combat" experience and went through all the steps ...
Has been working in journalism since 2001. Andrey joined the UNIAN editorial board in 2021 from Glavred.
Bohdan has a bachelor's degree with honors in Finance, Banking and Insurance. He is currently studying at one of the best banking universities in Eastern Europe. Having gained experience in the ...
He graduated from the faculty of philosophy of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University as a master of political science. In May 2015, Alexander started his work for the UNIAN news agency.
Head of the project UNIAN-tourism. Author of full-length articles about travel, transport, ecology, leisure, cinema, and social life for the UNIAN website. She has been working in media since 2006 on ...
She has been working as a journalist for nine years. Previously she was an editor of the publishing house "Znanie". Since August 2011, she works for UNIAN.